The Spoke 7 of the Ecosystem i-NEST , under the leadership of the Department of Biotechnology of University of Verona, is organizing the International Scientific Congress GreenWINE in collaboration with VINIDEA.
GreenWINE welcomes contributions from multidisciplinary research in sustainability for the wine sector, covering the areas of viticulture, enology, plant pathology, soil science and other scientific branches such as engineering, informatics, economics, social sciences, etc., concurring to address the main challenges faced by the global grape and wine industry:
CLIMATE CHANGE RESILIENCE Limit the impact of drought, extreme meteorological events, heat waves; prevent and manage wine unbalanced composition, microbial contamination, product instability, etc.
LOW INPUT AND GREEN PRODUCTION Reduce the use of fertilizers, pesticides, wine preservatives; by-products and waste recovery and up-cycling; fuel, energy and water consumption; robotics and sensing technologies; sustainable packaging, storage and delivery, etc.
SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Match market trends and production costs, personnel availability, paperwork; progress in circular economy, digitalization, traceability, green transition, etc.
The Scientific Committee and the Organizing Committee are being established
Up to ten papers will be proposed to the Editorial Committee for publication in Open Access form in OENO One, edited by IVES
Up to ten papers will be proposed for publication in Open Access form in a Special Issue of Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research
All abstracts can be published, on author’s request, in the Conference Series edited by IVES – with or without DOIs
Opportunities for visibility in the wine industry
Up to ten papers of the most applicative oral presentations will be proposed by the Organizing Committee to the IVES Editorial Committee for translation and publication in Technical Reviews
All full papers and all posters can be published, on author’s request, in INFOWINE (Internet Journal of Viticulture and Enology), a non-reviewed journal which reaches 400,000 global professional stakeholders.
Oral presentations will be recorded and published – with the author’s consent – on Infowine/Vinidea web repositories, potentially with thousands of views over years
The most application-oriented contributions will be included as oral presentation in the program of the ENOFORUM Technical Conference.
All posters will be displayed throughout the duration of the ENOFORUM Technical Conference.
To foster interaction between research and production, GreenWINE will be held immediately before ENOFORUM 2025, which takes place at the same venue.
Mon May 19th
Tue May 20th
Wed May 21st
Thu May 22nd
Fri May 23rd
Scientific Congress
Technical Conference
Call for Abstracts
Scientists worldwide, whose activity is carried out in public research centers, are invited to submit one or more abstracts related to the above topics. Abstracts may be submitted for either oral communications or poster presentations. The mode of presentation will be defined by an International Scientific Committee, composed of scientists of recognized authority in various subjects
Oral Communications The Abstracts for Oral Communications must be submitted through the online formaccessible through this link by January 10, 2025.
Posters The same online form can be used for poster abstracts. The submission deadline for Posters is April 11, 2025. At least one author of each oral or poster presentation must register for the Scientific Congress. Extra-EU scientists will have the possibility to present oral contributions and to attend the congress in video-conference mode.
How to be speaker at Enoforum 2025 The program of the Technical Conference ENOFORUM will include several oral communications by Italian and Foreign scientists, chosen by the organization among those who have answered to the Call for Abstract of GreenWINE.
These contributions will be the most applicative (TRL>6) among the orals or posters that receive the best scores by the Scientific Committee of GreenWINE.
Registration for GreenWINE congress will open on February 3, 2025 Early registration fees for the GreenWINE congress are expected to be € 290 +TVA, including a free pass to the ENOFORUM conference. Fee reductions are available for researchers belonging to the Spoke7 entities of the i-NEST consortium. Extra-EU scientists attending GreenWINE on-line will have access to a discounted fee.
GreenWINE will take place at Veronafiere Congress Centre in the beautiful city of Verona, Italy, famous for its wine and history, and easily accessible by plane and train from all over Europe.
Di seguito alcuni dei relatori che presenteranno i loro lavori nelle sale nazionale e internazionale. Tra loro ci sono rappresentati delle aziende fornitrici ma anche ricercatori del settore pubblico e privato.
Programma della manifestazione
Il programma è in continuo aggiornamento, di seguito il bottone per visitare la pagina dedicata
È previsto uno sconto del 15% per i soci SIVE, Assoenologi e per gli abbonati Infowine Premium. Tutti i dettagli sono presenti nelle pagine delle diverse tipologie di accesso.
I biglietti sono in vendita sul sito della Segreteria organizzativa di Enoforum, Vinidea: cliccando sui link di seguito si verrà reindirizzati su
Informazioni utili per la partecipazione all'evento
Abbiamo creato una sezione apposita in cui troverai tutte le informazioni utili per organizzare al meglio la tua partecipazione alla manifestazione, tra cui
indicazioni su come raggiungere la sede, il Vicenza Convention Center